

The Legal Indexing special interest group (SIG) is an affiliate of the American Society for Indexing (ASI). Membership is open to any member of ASI or other indexing societies who is interested in legal indexing. We offer a list of professional legal indexers to make it easier for authors, publishers and packagers to find you, a listserv, and resources to help indexers navigate legal and related texts. We promote continuing education through networking and workshops.

All ASI SIGs have annual dues of $12 per year. Please go to the ASI website to join just the SIG if you are already an ASI or a sister society member, or you can join both ASI and the SIG if you are not already a member.

If you are an ASI member, you can also see a list of all SIG members in the members-only section of the website.

Legal Indexing SIG Officer

Manager: Maria Sosnowski